Science Museum Città della Scienza

See the planet, the stars, and your own insides like never before!
(150 reviews)


  • Purchase your tickets for Città della Scienza and uncover the mysteries of the universe
  • Dive deep into scientific topics, ranging from insect love lives to distant galaxies
  • Explore the functions of the human body at CORPOREA – Europe's pioneering interactive museum dedicated to this subject!


Would you like to witness Planet Earth in a way you've never seen before? Visit the science museum Città della Scienza and discover the wonders of the galaxy. By purchasing a ticket, you can also enjoy a discount on admission to the Città della Scienza planetarium. This planetarium, which has 113 seats, is the most sophisticated in Italy and allows you to explore the celestial bodies, stars, and the vast universe!


Are you prepared to witness Planet Earth in a way you have never witnessed before? Visit the science museum Città della Scienza and discover the mysteries of the stars.

Your ticket also provides you with a discount on admission to the Città della Scienza planetarium. With 113 seats, this planetarium is the most state-of-the-art in Italy and allows you to delve into the sky, the stars, and the vast universe!

Città della Scienza in Naples is an ideal destination for family entertainment and educational activities.

There are more than 150 million bugs for each person on the planet - you can explore all of them at the Bugs&Co exhibition. In this constantly evolving environment, you can delve into the realm of bugs, discovering how they interact, thrive, and even experience love.

Experience a genuine scientific experiment at CORPOREA - the initial interactive museum in Europe solely focused on the fields of health, biomedical sciences, and technologies. Journey through 14 themed islands filled with enjoyable, interactive displays, each crafted to educate you about what exists within yourself!

Every interactive display in this place offers a deep dive into the realm of science. It's a learning paradise that is sure to amaze you.

Science Museum Città della Scienza
Science Museum Città della Scienza
Science Museum Città della Scienza

Science Museum Città della Scienza €10.00