The Postal Museum: Entry Ticket

Discover the surprising story of the world's first social network
(330 reviews)


  • Explore the past of communication by getting Postal Museum tickets, which offer a 15-minute journey on the underground Mail Rail
  • Discover the mysteries of the postal system, listen to amusing tales from postmen, and admire old stamps and posters
  • Get ready to be moved at the Postal Museum as you uncover the lost letters rescued from a shipwreck


Before emails and text messages, individuals had to patiently wait for a postman to bring their news to them. Revisit the fundamental elements of communication by obtaining tickets to visit the Postal Museum. Discover the history of the postal system and view letters salvaged from a shipwreck! From bicycles with five wheels to rockets and even an escaped lioness, the saga of the postal service is vast and brimming with captivating stories. These tickets for the Postal Museum will unveil these intriguing narratives! Observe a meticulously restored mail carriage that once traversed the nation with thunderous speed. Marvel at the world's sole sheet of Penny Black stamps, the very first postage stamps in the world. Utilize pneumatic tubes to clandestinely dispatch messages to a friend (or even a stranger) and observe a trove of unopened love letters rescued from maritime calamities. Delve into the Mail Rail at the Postal Museum, a subterranean network of tunnels that is now accessible to the public for a brief 15-minute journey on a miniature train that has existed for a century. Disregard your preconceptions about postal services and brace yourself for a couple of unexpected surprises!


In the past, individuals were required to be patient and await a mail carrier to deliver their updates rather than instantly messaging and emailing. Explore the fundamental aspects of communication by obtaining tickets to the Postal Museum. Discover the history of the postal service and view letters salvaged from a sunken ship!

From bicycles with five wheels to rockets and a lioness on the loose, the history of the postal system is extensive and filled with unbelievable stories. These tickets to the Postal Museum will reveal all of them!

Witness a fully renovated mail coach that used to speed across the nation. Approach the sole existing sheet of Penny Black stamps, which were the first postage stamps in the world. Utilize pneumatic tubes to send secretive messages to a friend (or a stranger), and observe a collection of unwritten love letters rescued from sea disasters.

Discover the Mail Rail at the Postal Museum, an underground tunnel system that is 100 years old and now accessible to visitors for a short 15-minute train journey.

Forget your preconceived notions about the article and brace yourself for a couple of surprises!

The Postal Museum: Entry Ticket
The Postal Museum: Entry Ticket
The Postal Museum: Entry Ticket

The Postal Museum: Entry Ticket €20.70